After two-years textological analysis of the text of the four Gospels had shown that a huge part of the text had been deliberately falsified and / or newly created by Greeks during three Roman-Jewish wars (see here among the Discussions), such Gospels cannot be read daily in Parashot, but first should be purifed from unlawful innovations and turned back to the chain of Covenants, as the New Covenant of G-d with His People, broadened onto the whole mankind through the Atoning Sacrifice of Y-shua Messiah. Therefore this site can be closed for an unknown period without an additional warning.



Matthew 26:27–28, Mark 14:24 (fully otherwise Luke 22:19, 1 Corintheans11:24!) --> (silly interpolation) John 6 : 53–56


Luke 7:2–10 --> Matthew 8:12


 Luke 17:7–9


Luke 16:1–8


Matthew 25:27, (yet an illogical first version, created with a sample of Herod Archelaus, in) Luke 19:12–27


Welcome Visitors on Kaunas Messianic site, created on initiative of Vilnius Messianic Community.
Since the rebirth of Israel in 1948, Messianic Judaism is a national Jewish movement which restores natural development of the first authentic Apostolic Congregation of Ya‘akov (Jacob, James the Just). This development was interrupted in course of aggression of Imperial Rome against Judea (this war enabled spread of the Salvation among Gentiles at the expense of the Jews, see here). 

The word Messianic comes from the word Messias The Greek translation of this Hebrew word Māšīah „The anointed (King)" is Christós > Christ. Thus Hebr. məšīhīMessianic is the same as Greek christianosChristian. Messianic Judaism means Christian Judaism. There are historic grounds however, why modern Messianic Judaism is not the same as traditional Christianity of the Gentiles. It even pretends to be a revival of the primeval Jewish apostolic faith that namely Y-shua (J-sus) is the Jewish Messiah promised by G-d through His prophets [most sacred names are written in an abbreviated form according to the Jewish and early Christian tradition to prevent profanation the written text through evil tendences; as for the sacredness of the name Y-shua see Acts 4:12)]. It is a matter of explanation why the Messianic Jews avoid to be named Christians in a Greek manner (christianoi). This is a result of historic Anti-Semtism of Christian Gentiles.

Initial Jewish Christianity, as well as the secondary Gentile one, belong to the sphere of religion in which the people search for an answer to the problems of mortality, sufferings, sense and reason which are above possibilities of human knowledge. For many people religions are either monotheistic, or polytheistic. However a deeper insight differentiates between Creationism and Pantheism. Creationism means that All is created by One G-d Who is beyond time and space. This means G-d as a Person. Pantheism comprehends G-d as Universe itself, as a creative Self-Existence of the Universe. This means G-d as an Impersonal Sum of universal laws. All Pagan religions are based on Pantheism. However the Creationism as a faith in the Person of G-d Creator is a unique one and is of the Semitic origin. It is named Abrahamic according to the name of the Bible prophet Abraham. One knows from the Book of Genesis that G-d revealed Himself to Abraham and concluded a treaty (Covenant) with him that the whole land between Nile and Euphrates would belong to Abraham's descendants from one of his two sons (Yitshak and Yishma’el), Genesis 17:2. Direct descendants of Yitshak are the Jews, from whom Judaism has originated, but the direct desvendants of Yishma’el are the Arabs, from whom Islam has originated (this is the germ of the Jewish–Moslem confrontation).

Abrahamic faith spread in the world at the expense of Pagan religions. This uniqueness is unsearchably mystical and self-supporting. Had the Creationism emerged as a result of a natural development, there should have been at least several creationistic monotheisms of different origin in the world. Sometimes Zoroastrism is named as ostensibly monotheistic Creationism. However its monotheistic features are result of later Abrahamic influence. The earliest Zoroastrism was dualistic (light – darkness, good – evil) originating from Pagan Pantheism. In fact, all three Abrahamic religions are varieties of the same primeaval Semitic faith.

The Jewish apostolic Christianity spread Creationism in the world with the help of the Roman Empire and its successors, however at the expense of its Jewish authenticity. During the Roman-Jewish wars the first spreaders Greeks became Anti-Semites preaching supersessionism, that G-d's promises were taken from the Jews and given to Gentiles (this "Theory of replacement" penetrated into the Gospel of John during later spontaneous recomposition of possibly Sayings of Y-shua, possibly collected by the apostle himself – cf. John 8:44 you are of your father devil, as ostensibly addressed not to religious leaders, but to the whole because of the correspondence to a similar doubtfully authentic phrase sons of the Kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness: there will be weeping and gnasting of teeth, Matthew 8:12, Luke 13:28). Such attitude towards the Jews as transgressors was oficially proclaimed by Emperor Constantin the Great. In his letter of 235 to the First Council of Nicea he named of Jewish nation Deiciders (Patriciders). In other words, Constantin as head of a global Empire cursed all the Jews declaring a global war upon the Jewish nation. Thus a concept of a baptized Jew being no more Jew came into being, while those who wanted to belong to the Jewish nation appeared to be Deiciders. This damnation by Constantin turned back upon his established Gentile Christianity in turn according to Genesis 12:3 I will curse him who curses you: from this ecumenical council and further on, the Gentile Christianity started to split through foolish blasphemous theosophic controversies about "the composition of G-d". Today this has produced a result of a multitude of hundreds confessions confronted among themselves up to mutual hatred, and disappearing in atheism and world-wide revived satanic heathendom. Most of these confessions are Anti-Semitic, and this is the reason why Messianic Jews avoid naming themselves with the Greek-translated name ‘Christians’ (christianos, Acts 11:26) preferring original Hebew ‘Messianic’ (mešīhī ).

Messianic movement is a spiritual Jewish rebirth, prophecized in Romans 11:26. It is not any formal religion or sect. Therefore leaders of Messianic communities, as part of the Jewish movement, cannot be Gentiles but should be Jewish without exception. Gentiles can be accepted in such communities with no demand to keep to the Jewish Law, as stated by the Apostolic Council of Yerushalayim (Acts 21:25, cf. also a similar movement of Noachides within traditional Judaism). Since Gentiles cannot head Messianic communities as a result, they can organize Messianic groups within own Christian confessions provided no Messianic community exists near them. In this case they can support authentic Messianic features surviving in their current denominations.

  ♦ This site is interconfessional, oriented toward a pre-Nicene pre-dogmic apostolic epoch, what unites all who accept JHS as their Lord, round the Messianic Jews with their grounding in:
1) Y-shua‘ as prophesied and for the second time coming Messiah of the Chosen people,
2) Y-shua‘ as Saviour of the whole mankind.
   ♦ Similarly to other messianic sites, this site is oriented toward halachian Jewish tradition, although on reasoned grounds: 
1) differently from the Jews Kairaites, the halachian Jews represent overall majority of all Jews; 
2) while represented by all Rabbinic Israeli Leadership, and in accordance with a new religion of the Oral Torah, this majority rejected from G-d-ordained sacrifices on any altar at the Temple Mount, when demanding Moshe Dayan to deliver keys of the mount to Moslem Waqf E in 1967, in contrast to Jews having come back from Babylonan exile. In this way the Jewish people were brought out from the Sinai Covenant, see Ex 24:7. This is not any obstacle for them to enter the New Covenant (Jer 31:30), where the Messianic Jews already are.
  ♦ Lithuania being traditionally a Catholic country, the site tries to help Catholics to overcome Anti-Christian crisis in the Church by showing, in Catholic terms, a way to their Jewish olive-tree.